
Walking with Flat Feet?

If you are walking with flat feet, chances are you are progressively developing a deformity that could hinder your future activity.  At Foot First Podiatry we treat adult flat feet often. It is a foot deformity where the arches of the foot fall, leaving the entire sole of the foot resting flat on the ground. This condition is usually associated with pronation (when your ankle bone leans inward as you walk) and when flat feet become painful it means the tendon in your foot has become inflamed or torn.  If left untreated it could lead to a permanent disability.


  • Stretched tendons
  • Swollen or torn posterior tibial tendon which connects down to your arches
  • Rheumatoid arthritis can damage the cartilage which acts as a cushion on the bottom of our feet
  • Abnormality from birth could have developed into adult issues
  • Obesity can put unnecessary pressure on your tendons
  • Diabetes in some cases, is directly related to your feet and should be treated right away
  • Aging means extended miles on our feet and the bottoms lose fatty pads which serves as a natural cushion
  • Pregnancy can create a new stance which opens the door for over-pronation

These causes are a contributing part of flat foot in one way or another leading all roads back to the importance of medical treatment. Most times people who have flat feet do not experience pain. However, there are symptoms you can look for that will help lead you to proper treatment. If you notice that your feet are easily tired, you have pain in your arch or heels, you experience difficulty standing or have back and leg pain, it’s time to go to the doctor and check it out.


  • Consult us for medical treatment as soon as possible
  • Weight Loss ~ it takes the pressure off the bones, ligaments and tendons of your feet
  • Physical Therapy ~ if flat feet are diagnosed as being rigid, rehabilitation may be recommended
  • Supportive Shoe ~ avoid tight shoes with heels more than 2 ¼ inches high or unnaturally shaped
  • Orthotics ~ custom made orthotics give the best result overall

If your condition is causing you daily problems and some of the treatments are not helping, surgery may be required to restore normal function to the tendon. Dr. Zahid Ladha D.P.M is an accredited podiatrist and is dedicated to keeping your feet healthy. If you would like more information on diagnosing and treating flat foot contact our New Albany Office at 812-945-9221 and schedule an appointment. Don’t let Flat Foot flatline your mobility!


Foot First Podiatry

3605 Northgate Ct Ste 206
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 945-9221 (812) 945-7141

Our Location

3605 Northgate Ct Ste 206 New Albany, IN 47150

Hours of Operation

The office is closed from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch Monday thru Thursday.

Foot First Podiatry


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm



